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Tag: Facebook

Here’s why I don’t use Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and why you shouldn’t either (especially now, in 2025)

Here’s why I don’t use Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and why you shouldn’t either (especially now, in 2025)

Since I deleted my Whatsapp profile a few years ago (the only profile left of myself on Meta evil empire) I keep getting glared at, teased or scolded by friends and acquaintances. This doesn’t bother me much because it was expected. But there are two things that do bother me, a lot. The first one is that when it comes to digital technologies, even most of the politically engaged people who are attentive to critical consumption and ethical choices in…

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WhatsApp sì, WhatsApp no: privacy, applicazioni e l’elefante nella stanza

WhatsApp sì, WhatsApp no: privacy, applicazioni e l’elefante nella stanza

La comunicazione di WhatsApp agli utenti sull’aggiornamento dei termini di servizio sembra aver generato (finalmente!) un dibattito allargato sulle condizioni della nostra vita digitale, sulle politiche dei Gafam (acronimo che sta per Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) e sulla loro capacità predatoria, elemento portante del capitalismo della sorveglianza. Temi che, fino a poco fa, sembravano essere discussi solo da una ristretta cerchia di nerd, addetti ai lavori o attivisti per i diritti digitali, stanno diventando di pubblico dominio. C’è di…

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Nulla è inevitabile: su capitalismo della sorveglianza e riappropriazione degli strumenti digitali (e delle nostre vite)

Nulla è inevitabile: su capitalismo della sorveglianza e riappropriazione degli strumenti digitali (e delle nostre vite)

Cedere occhi, orecchie e nervi a interessi commerciali è come consegnare il linguaggio comune a un’azienda privata o dare in monopolio a una società l’atmosfera terrestre. Antonio Caronia, Virtuale Forget the cliché that if it’s free, “You are the product.” You are not the product; you are the abandoned carcass. The “product” derives from the surplus that is ripped from your life. Shoshana Zuboff, The age of surveillance capitalism Here, a not-insignificant percentage of the population has so decisively internalized…

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Across Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan in pictures: take a look at our Facebook page

Across Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan in pictures: take a look at our Facebook page

We published just two photo galleries here on the website (Greece and the Balkans) after creating albums on our Facebook page. But photos increase in number and internet connections are not always fast enough: uploading pictures on Facebook and here takes a huge amount of time. Since our Fb page is public, even those of you who do not have an account can read what we write and take a look at the pictures as we post them. So here’s…

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