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Tag: police

Weaponizing copyright: police tactics, social media platforms and the shrinking freedom in post-democracies

Weaponizing copyright: police tactics, social media platforms and the shrinking freedom in post-democracies

A few days ago, on Mastodon, I stumbled upon a toot with a link to a Vice article that was about Beverly Hills police playing music on their phones during protests, seemingly in an effort to trigger copyright filters of social platforms. In this case, the goal they were likely aiming to was to have Instagram block the live stream of journalist and activist Sennett Devermont. What’s reported by Vice article is not the first episode of this kind of…

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Time trial Turkmenistan (the country you cannot discover on a bike)

Time trial Turkmenistan (the country you cannot discover on a bike)

We knew it would have been a challenge – and it was – but we were ready. Given the fact that we crossed Turkmenistan on a 5 days transit visa we couldn’t learn much about it or experience its life and culture, but I guess that’s somehow what they want: you can get a tourist visa only if you book a guided tour (and that was not in our plans). For all the others it’s just transit, no matter the…

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