Two Italian globe-trotter cyclists on the French radio: the podcast is now available
I am back, in the end. Mery had moved back to Avignon at the end of august while I was still traveling and working around Europe. You know we had some issues with the flat we moved back to, so we decided to move (again!) and this will happen by mid december. That means that we are still surrounded by boxes (mainly books, a lot of new ones) and quite a few of our clothes are still packed. Is it because it’s hard to get back to regular sedentary life? Maybe…
My return was welcomed by a phone call from David Peron, host at France Bleu Vaucluse, the local branch of the national public radio: he wanted to invite us to talk about bike traveling (and bike culture and activism). It was a really nice chat, with some souvenirs and anecdotes from the road and the participation of other guests, of which one was Greg, a friend from Roulons à vélo, a great bike workshop in Avignon where we like to spend time.
The show is now available as a podcast on France Bleu Vaucluse website for everyone to listen, either you are a French speaker or not! Enjoy!