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Category: Back home

Provenza in bici: un percorso olfattivo-sensoriale

Provenza in bici: un percorso olfattivo-sensoriale

Now that a few months have passed after we got back to our “normal” lives – even if sometimes our minds are still struggling to fit back in the ordinary – we are thinking to keep using this website as a place to share our projects: writing, radio, music, travels… whatever they might be. I’d like to start this new use with a page I wrote for a tourist book guide about Provence that never saw the light. So here…

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Une impasse bien française (of taxes and the state vs nomadic life or: I hate French bureaucracy)

Une impasse bien française (of taxes and the state vs nomadic life or: I hate French bureaucracy)

Empires first and modern states to follow have always wanted to make nomadic peoples settle. They struggled to. They used force and violence to stop them from moving around. They set borders (which are inherently violent and deadly). Power was the reason: how can you impose power to someone whose movements and lives you cannot control? But that was history, right? Well, the intricate ways of French bureaucratic state are up to the task in 2019. It’s a kind of…

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Two Italian globe-trotter cyclists on the French radio: the podcast is now available

Two Italian globe-trotter cyclists on the French radio: the podcast is now available

I am back, in the end. Mery had moved back to Avignon at the end of august while I was still traveling and working around Europe. You know we had some issues with the flat we moved back to, so we decided to move (again!) and this will happen by mid december. That means that we are still surrounded by boxes (mainly books, a lot of new ones) and quite a few of our clothes are still packed. Is it…

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So… how is it to get back to “normal” life?

So… how is it to get back to “normal” life?

Long time no writing, we know. But the first three weeks back in Europe were a kind of friendly limbo for us: time spent in Faenza and in Bologna, families, friends, dinners and drinking, lots of train rides, washing and unpacking, just a bike ride (but hey, the Apennines are beautiful mountains, we almost forgot that!). That was not “normal” life, of course: no work, not in our flat, much needed time to catch up with what happened while we…

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